Skiarea Flachau, Wagrain und St. Johann

Opening times

You can find all the information about the official opening times, ticket office times and season dates in Snow Space Salzburg here.

Daily Early Bird Skiing

Early arrival - more fun: Start your ski day early to avoid the increased traffic on the A10/Tauern highway.

The following lifts are open for you from 8.00 a.m.

  • Alpendorf gondola in St. Johann
  • Grafenberg cable car in Wagrain
  • Achterjet in Flachau

The valley runs of the 3 gondola lifts are already open from 8.00 a.m. All other lifts and pistes are open as usual. Ticket offices at these lifts open from 7.45 a.m.!

Operating hours 2024/25

  • Daily from 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m.
    (The last check ride is indicated on the respective cable car)

  • Partial operation from 7 - 21 April 2025 - provisionally with the following cable car facilities:
    (assuming appropriate snow conditions)
    - Flachau: Achterjet, Spacejet 1&2, Starjet 1,2 & 3
    - Wagrain: Flying Mozart, G-Link, Grafenberg Express 1&2, Hachaubahn, Sonntagskogel 1&2
    - St. Johann: Alpendorf gondola lift, Obergassalmbahn, Strassalmbahn, Sonntagskogelbahn 3, ÜL Obergassalm, TL Obergassalm

  • 24.12.2024 Christmas Eve regular operating hours

Ticket office opening hours (from Lift operation)

  • The ticket offices are open from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
  • Outside of the ticket office hours, there are also ticket machines available at the bottom of the following lift stations:
    Flachau: Achterjet, Spacejet 1 & Starjet 1
    Wagrain: Flying Mozart, Grafenbergbahn & Rote 8er
    St. Johann - Alpendorf: Alpendorf Gondola lift
  • Also use our online ski ticket shop to get the ski passes you need. You can then collect your ski pass directly in the ski area by using the pick-up function at our ticket points.

Piste closures in Snow Space Salzburg

So that our staff can get the pistes back into perfect condition overnight, we ask you to please keep to the official opening times and for your own safety be aware of the piste closing times.

Attention: There are different piste closing times on the 3 different mountains of Flachau, Wagrain and St. Johann – Alpendorf!

In accordance with Section 30 of the Salzburg State Safety Act, the slopes in Flachau / Grießenkar in the Snow Space Salzburg ski area (Flachau municipality) are closed from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. due to cable winch preparation!

Pursuant to Section 30 of the Salzburg State Safety Act, slopes in the Snow Space Salzburg ski area (Wagrain municipality) are closed from 5.00 p.m to 8 a.m. due to cable winch preparation!

In accordance with Section 30 of the Salzburg State Safety Act, the slopes in St. Johann in the Snow Space Salzburg ski area are closed from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. Rideing on / entering the slopes is prohibited during this time! Violations of this prohibition release the lift operator from any liability.

The only exception is the valley run from the Gernkogelalm down to the valley. The pistes are closed here from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.

For your safety…

Ski touring on our pistes in Snow Space Salzburg is forbidden.

The fun of skiing should not be ruined by possible accidents. Therefore, for your safety, ski touring on the pistes is without exception forbidden. In the past there have been many problems with touring skiers going up the piste and downhill skiers coming down, so ski touring is absolutely forbidden.  
This also applies in the evening and at night. This is when ski touring is especially dangerous because electricity cables and hosepipes are placed directly across the pistes and the snowcats use cable winches.  
We request that you follow the instructions on the warning signs, and the safety advice and instructions of our staff. 

Legal background for piste closures for touring skiers

As a cable car company we are obliged to make a suitable downhill piste available for our customers, with whom we have completed a transport contract. The cable car company therefore has a legal obligation to ensure that the skier can trust in the condition of the piste and that there will be no unexpected dangers in the way. The cable car company, which presents the piste as such, has the right to regulate the use of the ski piste, and is also authorised to prohibit the use of the piste.
When there are lots of skiers on the pistes, touring skiers are a source of danger, especially when they are in large numbers, in groups or crossing the pistes. In such cases the ski lift company not only has the right, but the obligation, to forbid the use of the pistes.  
However, we do have some specially marked ski touring routes where you can go on your ski tours in complete safety. 

However, we do have some specially marked ski touring routes where you can go on your ski tours in complete safety.